Discussions on the election program of the People’s Democratic Party are also held in high spirits in Kashkadarya region.
Voters of regional districts and cities, public organizations, representatives of civil society institutions, youth, and party activists participated in the meeting held at the regional council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan.
At the meeting, the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Maqsuda Vorisova, introduced the concept of the new election program to the participants.
As noted, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan defines its program goals based on the priority of national interests, such as social stability in the country, solidarity between citizens and nations, and the achievement of the well-being of each family and the entire nation. In accordance with the current trend observed in the world, the essential thing was introduced: the new ideas put forward in connection with transforming Uzbekistan into a practical social state for our people and compatriots.
The New Election Program includes about 100 proposals and initiatives to develop the state and society, ensure equal rights and opportunities, and conduct a strong social policy. Attention is drawn to the need to create realistic conditions for the participation of all social strata in the management of the state and society, to ensure that legal and social differences do not increase, to provide the rule of law, and to ensure the state’s accountability to the people.
For example, proposals are being made to introduce a national model of compulsory social insurance for unemployment and to reduce drug addiction by introducing treatment standards, including modern medicine and traditional medicine.
In addition, detailed information was provided about the party’s promotion of essential issues, priorities, ideas, and initiatives, such as the introduction of a fair state pension system, taking into account the working periods of citizens who worked in the former collective farm and joint-stock farm as a full year.
While getting acquainted with the proposals, ideas, and goals that are planned to be included in the new election program of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the participants fully approved that they are based on the principles of social equality and justice, reducing social differences among the population, and helping people in need.
The activists who spoke at the discussion expressed their opinions and suggestions on issues such as creating a decent lifestyle for every citizen living in Uzbekistan based on the principles of justice, ensuring employment, and improving the population’s well-being.