In the Namangan region, events dedicated to the discussion of the election program of the People's Democratic Party are also taking place in a positive mood. Voters of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, who took part in the elections to the Namangan Regional Council, as well as city voters, students and youth, public organizations, citizens' councils, and party activists took part in the elections.
At the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Firdavs Sharipov came out and presented the participants with the concept of the draft new election program.
As stated, in order to achieve the goals of decent living conditions for all based on the principles of social equality and justice, reducing social differences, providing benefits to the poor, reducing poverty, increasing new jobs and sources of income, the party has developed very important steps.
The election program of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan outlined its priorities, ideas, and initiatives. In particular, the importance of a strong social policy in the social protection of the population was discussed.
For example, the monopoly of communal administrations is not allowed, attention is paid to monitoring the quality of public services to the population. In order to regulate the planning of services and tariffs for the use of public services and housing stock, it is carried out taking into account the adoption of the Law "On the regulation of public services and tariffs".
The party is developing a hospice aimed at ensuring high standards of quality care for doctors, nurses and oncologists.
In addition, the CDP of Uzbekistan is a supporter of the social, industrial market economy. As one of the fundamental issues, the need to ensure the social organization of economic policy, the development of the regulatory role of the state in the economy was emphasized.
Having familiarized themselves in detail with the ideas and initiatives of the new election program of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the participants in every possible way approved the merits of such noble ideas as reducing social differences and giving credit to the poor.
The activists who took part in the discussion expressed their opinions and suggestions on such issues as obtaining a decent standard of living based on the principles of justice, creating new jobs and sources of income.