Kashkadarya region
Proposals for the election program received from Kashkadarya residents
Discussions on the election program of the People’s Democratic Party are also held in high spirits in Kashkadarya region...
Priority tasks have been defined
A plenum of Yakkabog District Council of the Peopleэs Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in the Information Library Center of Yakkabog district...
A rich collection of books donated
Nishan District Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan handed over more than 20 fiction collections to the District Information And Library Center...
Within the framework of the project “Deputy in Mahalla”
Maternal and child health is the most important factor
As part of the project “Maternity and child protection is under constant attention”, the Maternity Department of Kitab district organized a medical examination for children and mothers...
The presidential candidate meets with Kashkadarya voters
The candidate from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Ulugbek Inoyatov met with voters in Kashkadarya region...
PDPU’s Draft New Program and the Pre-Election Program are discussed
These days, meetings and roundtable discussions are being organized at the local level with participation of representatives of the general public, deputies of district (city), regional councils of people’s deputies, devoted to a broad discussion of the draft new Program and the Pre-Election Program of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan...