Priority tasks have been defined


A plenum of Yakkabog District Council of the Peopleэs Democratic Party of Uzbekistan was held in the Information Library Center of Yakkabog district.

The meeting, which was dedicated to summarizing the completed works, critical analysis, and discussion of the priority issues in the future, was led by the Сhairperson of the District Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, N. Elmurodova. Deputy of the District Council Z. Shukurova, party activists R. Shakhobova and B. Boynazarov, and Chairman of the District Council Youth Wing B. Normuminov addressed the event.

The report on the activities of the District Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in 2023 was considered at the plenary session. Information on the activities of the party group in the District Council in 2023 was also heard. The participants expressed their opinions on the issues on the agenda.

The decision of the 8th plenum of the Central Council of the party of June 21, 2024, “On establishing a commission on introducing amendments and addenda to the party charter based on the constitutional reforms carried out in the country” was considered in the plenum. Based on the suggestions, appropriate decisions were made.

Following the plenum, a group of young people were admitted to the party.








Plenary Session
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