A Plenum of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan takes place


On 31 March 2021, a Plenum of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan took place. Members of the Central Council and the faction of the party in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, officials of the Central Council, regional and district (city) councils, representatives of the mass media took part in the plenum, which was held in the conference hall of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, via videoconference.

The Plenum was chaired by the Chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the head of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Ulugbek Inoyatov, who made a presentation on the main issue on the agenda “On the priority tasks facing party organizations and deputy associations for further development of a free civil society in our country, protection of human rights and legitimate interests”.

In the report it is noted that all the reforms carried out in recent years in Uzbekistan, all changes and transformations are aimed at ensuring human rights and interests, and based on such a noble goal as “it is not the people who should serve the government, but the government should serve the people”. It is emphasized that, historical changes are taking place in the country in accordance with the Action Strategy.

The achieved results have a positive effect on the country’s reputation in the international arena. In particular, Uzbekistan rose by 125 positions and took 44th place in the Global Open Data Index rating, as well as raised 26 positions in the Economic Freedom rating.

The “Iron Notebook”, “Youth Notebook” and “Women’s Notebook”, formed throughout the country based on the new system, primarily serve to help needy, low-income and unemployed citizens. Strengthening reforms aimed at achieving such a noble goal as meeting the needs of our people and solving their pressing problems based on the “mahallabay” and “fuqarobay” systems is of strategic importance in reducing poverty, increasing socio-economic activity in our country, protecting the interests of the electorate of the party.

This year the programs “Prosperous village” and “Prosperous mahalla” were formed based on the new approaches. In this regard, new tasks are set for local councils.

From now on, local councils approve a “target program” of the social sphere, drinking water, road transport system and infrastructure facilities in the context of each mahalla. Therefore, our party groups in local councils should be active in this direction. “In this process, party organizations of all levels, deputies, our activists must work hard, and become active participants, not observers of reforms”, the party leader said.

The Roadmap of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan has been determined, aimed at strengthening the activities of party organizations, deputy associations for the effective protection of the interests of the electorate.

  1. Inoyatov touched upon the tasks to which party organizations and deputy associations should pay special attention in their activities.

Firstly, the implementation of the socio-economic issues outlined in the State Program for 2021, which are of fundamental importance for the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, as well as the implementation of the tasks set by their solution, the procedure for their implementation, must be carried out under strict parliamentary supervision.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the effective participation of party organizations and deputies in organizing the work according to the “mahallabay” and “fuqarobay” systems to solve problems in the social and economic spheres.

Thirdly, we need to intensify our efforts to establish effective public and parliamentary control over the implementation of laws. It is very important that there is no gap between all the links of the system in the process of analytical study of lawmaking and social issues, and the resolution of appeals from the electorate. For this, the activities of the deputy corps of all levels have been established according to the “district – region – center” system.

Fourthly, in order to increase the level of trust of our people, the issue of ensuring the transparency of the activities of our party, strengthening the mechanisms of “feedback” with voters is more urgent than ever.

Fifthly, one of the main tasks is to ensure an active position of our party in the information space. In this regard, the party’s media program and PR strategy were recently approved. In addition, it is necessary to further strengthen the ties of local party councils and chambers of parliament, increase the political knowledge and skills of party personnel, and prepare proposals to improve the organizational and legal framework of their activities.

Sixthly, it is necessary to strengthen the interaction of members of the faction when hearing the reports of the heads of local executive bodies on issues related to the interests of the electorate in local councils of people’s deputies. This will be of particular importance in increasing the responsibility of leaders to the deputies of local councils.

The year of 2021 is important because this year will host an important political event in Uzbekistan – the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In connection with the changes introduced to the relevant legislation, this political process will take place for the first time on the first Sunday of the third decade of October. Thorough preparation for the elections, gaining the trust of our people, our electorate requires a great responsibility and a serious approach from each of us.

The People’s Democratic Party has begun serious preparations for the elections. Currently, meetings and dialogues are being held throughout the country to receive proposals on the pre-election program of a candidate nominated by our party.

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, member of the party faction Qizilgul Qosimova, Chairman of the Karakalpak Council of the People’s Democratic Party, head of the party faction in Jokargy Kenes Khalila Yeshimbetov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Sharbat Abdullayeva, Chairman of Bukhara regional council of the People’s Democratic Party, head of the party group in Bukhara Regional Council of People’s Deputies Zulfiya Tuyeva expressed their opinions and judgments regarding strengthening cooperation between party organizations and deputy associations, increasing the efficiency of work on “mahallabay” system, expanding the participation of party organizations and deputy associations in solving problems of youth and women.

At the plenum, reports were heard on the activities of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the party over the past year.

Information was heard on the execution of the party’s budget for 2020, the main indicators of the budget for 2021.

Organizational issues on the election of deputy chairmen of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and partial renewal of the composition of the Central Council of the party were considered.

Appropriate decisions were made on all the issues considered at the plenum.


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