Women’s legal literacy improves
Deputy of Zomin District Council of People’s Deputies M. Quldoshev met with citizens, mahalla activists, and representatives of the district where he was elected, held a conversation with women and young people living in remote villages, and gave insights on improving the living conditions of women living in the villages...
“One Day of a Deputy” appeals of citizens find a solution
Women’s problems have been studied in “Shodlik” mahalla of Zarbdar district...
Implementation of the “Deputy in Mahalla” project is expanding
At the meeting, a solution was found to several identified problems, and practical assistance was provided to many citizens, women, and youth...
The rights of the disabled people will be guaranteed
The Media Center of the Central Council of the PDPU hosted an online workshop on “Further improvement of the system of support for persons with disabilities and strengthening guarantees for the protection of their rights and freedoms”...
The restriction on medical workers wishing to work in remote areas is canceled at the suggestion of the PDPU
Specialists who graduated from universities more than 3 years ago cannot participate in this program even if they wish...
PDPU faction makes a parliamentary inquiry on external labor migration
However, the analysis shows the presence of several serious problems in the regulation of external migration issues. In particular, only 11,000, that is, 0.6 percent out of 1,840.0 thousand migrants who went to work abroad, were sent through the Agency for External Labor Migration or private employment agencies...
A Plenum of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan takes place
At the plenum, reports were heard on the activities of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the party over the past year.
Information was heard on the execution of the party’s budget for 2020, the main indicators of the budget for 2021.
Organizational issues on the election of deputy chairmen of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and partial renewal of the composition of the Central Council of the party were considered...
Activity of the PDPU Faction for 9 months reviewed
A virtual press conference was held on the activities of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis for nine months of 2020...
On June 15-25 this year, members of the working group visited Samarkand region to study the actual situation in the region, the status of work carried out in the sector to increase the level and quality of life of the population, reduce poverty, solve problems that concern entrepreneurs, held meetings and conversations with the population, farmers and entrepreneurs.
The results of the study were analyzed during the meeting of the Council of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis held on June 26, 2020...
Deputies continue studying the situation at places
Representatives of the party got acquainted with the activities of the workshop of a private entrepreneur Normurodov Sukhrob for production of brick blocks belonging to the diversified farm Humoyun Bog’i. As it turned out, the shop operates on a rental basis, the entrepreneur asked for practical help in the allocation of land to him. We agreed to solve the problem within the framework of the law through the auction system...