More than 40,000 signatures were submitted


The election, which will be held on October 27 this year, will be much bigger and more important than the previous ones. At the same time, we will elect candidates for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional, district, and city Councils of People’s Deputies.

According to the renewed Constitution, one important innovation is that half of the deputies elected to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis shall be elected by majority vote, and the other half shall be elected by proportional order.

Previously, voters voted only for candidates, but now they vote based on political parties’ ideas, initiatives, and promises. Now, we must consider which party relies on which ideology, which party has the most seats in the parliament, and what changes it can make in society.

The Central Election Commission announced the start of the election campaign, and the plenum of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan unanimously decided to participate in the election. Thus, the first step was taken.

In accordance with the Election Code, an authorized representative of the party was appointed. This representative has the authority to participate in the election commission meetings, hand over documents, check that the signature sheets are filled in correctly, and submit and receive other documents related to the election to the Central Election Commission.

The People’s Democratic Party also applied to the Central Election Commission to participate in the election campaign in accordance with the established procedure. The authorized representative registered and received signature forms.

Our legislation stipulates that each party wanting to participate in the election must collect the signatures of at least one percent of the country’s voters. From August 1 to August 15, events were held to collect voters’ signatures. In particular, these events were held in places of work, service, study, residence, and in all densely populated areas not prohibited by law.

Voter-supporting signatures were collected in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city, regional councils, more than 200 city and district councils, and more than 10,000 primary party organizations.

Employees of all levels of the party’s organizations, deputies, supporters, and volunteers of our party managed to collect the required number of signatures to participate in the election within the specified period. Signatures of more than 40,000 voters from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the city of Tashkent were collected based on the requirements specified in the legislation.

During this process, voters received answers to their questions. They mainly asked about the party’s work in the past years in social protection, ensuring the employment of women and youth, and reducing poverty. The party’s goals, initiatives, and results were discussed in face-to-face dialogues.

On August 17, an authorized party representative sent the application of the party’s Chairman of the central council through the “E-saylov” information system for collecting supporting signatures of voters for the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan's participation in the election. After this exercise, the authorized representative of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and the officials of the party’s headquarters handed over the forms of signature sheets to the Central Election Commission.

According to the established procedure, the expert group formed by the Central Election Commission examines each signature sheet. This stage should be completed within 5 days.


Rashid MURTAZAYEV, Head of the PDPU group in Karshi City Council of People’s Deputies:

– I have been participating in political processes for many years. While collecting signatures this time, the residents’ questions revealed that this election would be more intense than the previous ones. People were not asking much about the candidates but were interested in the proportional electoral system, how it works, the party’s program, and what it promises.

Another thing I am sure of is that people’s political culture is growing rapidly. It is a pleasure to see that they deliberately come to sign and feel the importance and responsibility of signing. Some even asked if I, as a voter, could make an offer to your party’s program.

I concluded that the process of politicization among our people has accelerated. This means that the economic and political trends in Uzbekistan are developing simultaneously, and it also shows that we need to work hard to win the voters’ trust and make them follow our ideas.


Gulbahor MUMINOVA, Chairperson of the PDPU Pop District Council:

– So, the process of collecting signatures has come to an end. Everything we do must be based on a clear strategy. Collecting signatures is one of the most important stages of the election. Because it is from this stage that you feel the support and goodwill of the voters. This is a big thing. Confidence always gives a person enthusiasm.

In addition, it is gratifying to know that young people who have just reached the voting age come to sign and get an idea of ​​your party’s ideas by answering the questions they are interested in.


The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan is waiting for permission from the Central Election Commission to participate in the election.


«O‘zbekiston Ovozi» (Voice of Uzbekistan),

21.08.2023, No.33







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