Nuriddinjon ISMOILOV, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis:
- Today, each of us is witnessing cardinal reforms and large-scale transformations. The important tasks and proposals forwarded by the President of our country during meetings with deputies of the Oliy Majlis and representatives of political parties are being implemented stage by stage. Over the past three years, dramatic changes have occurred in the activities of the Legislative Chamber. The Head of our state showed us high confidence, provided great opportunities and powers. Our work towards parliamentary oversight was revised. “Government hours” are organized every month. Ministers report on their work to deputies. Previously, when a Senate meeting was announced, we could at best submit one or two draft laws. Now we have 40 such projects in our hands. Representatives of ministries and agencies are asking deputies to implement this or that law. And these are the changes that have occurred in just three years.
It should be noted that it will not be easy for deputies of the next convocation. They will be given an even more important responsibility. There are still many tasks ahead of us. For example, it is necessary to improve the medical sphere, primary healthcare. From now on, a model district will be organized in each region. Our next task is to create decent living conditions for the population in all regions of our country. There are many more medical institutions that are not connected to the Internet, and some do not even have computers.
Unfortunately, we are not able to fully show the work implemented by us, the realized initiatives. 52 of our deputies visited places on the issue of transition to market relations in the grain industry, studied the situation. The population in need was provided with necessary assistance. An increase in funds allocated by the government of this category of the population has been achieved.
There is very little time left before the election. We must intensify our work with the media and draw the attention of journalists to pressing problems concerning the population.