Tashkent residents are active in collecting signatures


According to the Election Code, supporting a political party and collecting the signatures of at least one percent of the total number of voters, forty thousand voters in one administrative-territorial structure (the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, Tashkent city) can collect a maximum of eight percent signatures.

The People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan is also collecting signatures in all regions of the country to support participation in the elections. In particular, it is being organized in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city, regional councils, more than 200 city and district councils, and more than 10,000 primary party organizations.

Employees of the party council of Tashkent city and Mirzo Ulugbek district are collecting citizens’ signatures in the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances building in Tashkent.

In this process, our compatriots, who have an active civil position, also ask various questions while signing. Handouts are given in response to questions about the party’s ideas and what it has implemented.







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